Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Nut Free

Suggested use: 1/2 tsp twice daily, 2 capsules twice daily
Benefits & Uses:
- May support normal cycles and ovulation
- May help with normal testosterone levels
- Aids healthy glucose regulation
- Supports metabolic health
- Assists mood and normal energy levels]
- Supports healthy insulin signaling
- May aid healthy hair and skin in those with irregular cycles*
Cysters Support
About the
Formula #1: Metabolic Support
Metabolic Guard contains herbs like Ginger and Cinnamon that aid healthy insulin signaling and normal glucose metabolism, which are crucial when it comes to maintaining normal cycles. Because a normal glucose response is so important for balanced hormonal output on an ovarian level, this is the first pillar to address when it comes to healthy testosterone levels in those with cycle irregularity. This metabolism-supporting formula also contains L-Carnitine, which assists cellular energy by helping to convert fat to energy within the mitochondria. This core level of metabolic support is key for reproductive hormones that are responsible for cycle regularity and may be affected by changes in metabolic signaling. Designed to be taken before breakfast and lunch.*

The story
behind the formula
While working as a clinical herbalist during my schooling, I noticed I was drawn to helping clients with a specific pattern of cycle irregularity that was driven by metabolic function and stress, and sorely affected their quality of life. These women mirrored the pattern I was seeing and experiencing in my own body (as I was battling insulin signaling issues that affected my hormones, mood and more) and I felt deeply connected to their stories.
As I shared what I was learning from working with these clients with my online community, I realized there were thousands of women struggling, as ‘cysters’ around the world were looking for support.
After spending years thoroughly understanding the root cause factors within this pattern of imbalance (insulin signaling and glucose regulation, specific nutrient deficiencies, mitochondrial function and oxidative stress), I began to see firsthand that with the right lifestyle changes, nutrition, herbs and nutraceuticals, a true difference could be made in the lives of thousands of women struggling with their cycles.
We got busy designing a super-kit that could address both the hormonal and metabolic aspects of this picture. This comprehensive duo feels like the culmination of my clinical work, personal journey, and everything I’ve learned over the years by listening to the stories of women working hard to bring their bodies back into balance.*
Learn More
Saw Palmetto
Serenoa repens
As a reproductive tonic, Saw Palmetto helps to shift androgen metabolism in order to aid healthy testosterone balance.
Urtica diotica
Nature’s filled with life lessons—like the importance of setting healthy boundaries. Nettle (stinging nettle) is an herb whose stem and leaves are covered with hollow stinging hairs, teaching us to ‘handle with care.’ This herb supports us on our most foundational level so that we may give to ourselves first, instead of pouring from an empty cup.*
Cinnamomum spp.
Cinnamon might already be a staple in your spice cabinet, but this digestive and immune powerhouse deserves prime real estate in your herbalism toolkit, too.*
Withania somnifera
Ashwagandha is a grounding Ayurvedic adaptogen and nervine that assists healthy thyroid and adrenal function, supports mental and physical stamina, and promotes a healthy response to occasional stress.*
Taraxacum officinale
Too often dubbed a weed by society, Dandelion needs to get itself a better PR team. Despite its bad rap, Dandelion supports our detoxification pathways from its leaves to its roots.*
Zingiber officinalis
Known as a universal herbal ally in TCM, Ginger is able to assist our “digestive fire,” immune health, and even maintain a healthy inflammatory response. Considered a “guiding herb” in formulas, ginger “warms the body and spirit” as it boosts Spleen Qi and supports vitality.*

Our herbs are what we call 'Wildly Clean,' meaning we use a blend of organic and biodynamically cultivated herbs, along with wildcrafted herbs that grow untouched in their natural habitat. Learn more about our quality here
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